Getting started in beekeeping
Even as a hobby beekeeper you will end up producing honey through the hard work and marvellous ingenuity of the honeybee colony.
If you want to start keeping bees, you will generally need 4 things:
- A basic understanding how the honeybee colony is structured, and how the honeybee works in the hive and forages in the field;
- A suitable place to keep your beehive;
- Your first colony of bees and a beehive to keep them in;
- Proper protective clothing and the basic tools to start working on your bees once they are established.
Natures gift in springtime to the avid beekeeper.
1. A basic understanding
You would be well advised to go on a local Beekeeping Course run by an experienced Beekeeper. BeeQuipment runs Beekeeping Courses over weekends during the summer months with our “Basics in Beekeeping”, intermediate course. This course is not aimed at those who simply want to “save the bees” but rather those who intend taking up beekeeping as a part-time or full-time activity. The current fee for the course is R1800 and, in addition delegates need to purchase their protective clothing.
If there is a local Beekeeping Association in your area it may be worth your while to attend some of their meetings and field days. If you are in the Johannesburg area, try the Southerns Beekeeping Association (
Remember the cardinal rule in beekeeping – “you can steal with your eyes by observing and doing; but never steal your tutor’s sites or equipment!”
If you know an experienced beekeeper who is willing to share his knowledge with you, then ask him if you can go out with him when he works his hives. Remember the cardinal rule in beekeeping – “you can steal with your eyes by observing and doing; but never steal your tutor’s sites or equipment!”
As in learning all new interests you can read about the subject in a book or on the internet; you can go on a course, and you can practically work on your new interest. Watching You Tube videos on overseas beekeeping methods are generally not suitable to South African beekeeping. In South Africa the best book on beekeeping is generally referred to as “The Blue Book” called “Beekeeping in South Africa” by M.F. Johannsmeier There are also some other good books available by South African authors.
The blue book is available through BeeQuipment. A husband and wife team work together learning the practicalities of beekeeping on one of our training courses.
2. A suitable place to keep your bees
If you have a plot, or a smallholding or a farm, you can quite safely keep a colony of bees in a suitable place. Keep the bees in the shade away from chickens and horses. They don’t like the smell of these animals.
If you want to practice suburban beekeeping, which is allowed in certain municipal areas, make sure you comply with the local by-laws. If you have a decent size garden with a shady spot, away from lawnmowers, animals and inquisitive children and neighbours, then it may be feasible to set up a colony in your backyard. It may not be advisable if you live in a townhouse complex.
3. Your first colony
The best time to start with your first colony of bees is either at the beginning or early part of the summer season (summer rainfall areas) – September – October.
You can either:
- trap a new colony (called a trek swarm);
- buy a colony of bees from an established beekeeper;
- acquire a colony of bees through a bee removal whereby you relocate an established colony into a beehive – you will however need experience in doing this.
You need to have purchased (or made yourself) a beehive to keep the bees in. Often beekeepers start off a new colony using a trap box (also called a catch hive or Nuc, pronounced “nuke” box), which is half the size of a standard brood box and holds 5 or 6 brood frames for the bees to start building their combs.
If you want to start off with a proper beehive, you will need the Brood Chamber, attached to a Floor Board with an Entrance Block, with brood frames, an Inner Cover and an Outer Roof as your basic unit. Make sure you have a decent stand for the beehive. This should ideally be 300 – 500mm off the ground on a sturdy frame. The height will be ideal for your back! (We supply the perfectly designed beehive stand.) Do not put your beehives on the roof – it’s impractical to work them there.
Bees made their home in a termite mound. Might as well give them a decent apartment to live in!
4. PropeR Equipment
Lastly you must have the right equipment to do the job. If you are going to keep bees you must manage the bees in the beehive. You cannot just leave the bees in the beehive – they will outgrow the chamber, becoming irritable, aggressive and dangerous.
Protective clothing consists of a white overall (zip up) and a veil. Some outlets sell full suits but these become cumbersome and awkward in hot weather. BeeQuipment sells the separate Poncho Veil which is comfortable and very protective. A good pair of gloves is essential with the gauntlet up to the elbow.
Plastic PVC Gloves are good for messy work but leather gloves are ideal for working on the hive. Lastly a good pair of boots is essential with a pair of Gaiters to protect your ankles.
We all react in some way to a bee sting and the odd bit of bee sting venom should not be that harmful.
Bee stings (occasionally) are an occupational hazard. If you are highly allergic you should really re-consider your interest in beekeeping. Other than that we all react in some way to a bee sting and the odd bit of bee sting venom should not be that harmful.
The basic tools you need for beekeeping are a
smoker, a hive tool and a bee brush. Other accessories can be purchased on your advance into your hobby.
Ultimately of course, once you have harvested your first crop of honey, you will need extraction equipment. What you buy here will depend on how far you want to go in beekeeping.
Your general costs are as follows (2024 – open to revision from time-to-time):
Langstroth Beehive (Brood Chamber Unit) (Assembled & Waksol Treated)
• Floorboard,
• Entrance,
• Brood Chamber,
• 10 x Brood Frames (with wax strips),
• Inner Cover,
• Telescopic Lid with Aluminium Sheeting.
Prices rise per size, below is an estimate.
• White Overall
• Poncho Veil
• Leather Gloves
• Gaiters
± R650
± R1600
± R2755
• Smoker
• Hive Tool
• Bee Brush
± R4715
I hope this gives you some idea what it takes to get started in beekeeping.